Our Blog

Opening the Federal Front Door

We at USAGov are thrilled to be included as the premier commitment in the National Action Plan for Open Government.  For government to truly operate as a transparent, efficient and responsive system, its information and services must be citizen-centered and pre-emptive.  That’s our commitment to you.

October 30, 2015 Read More

Topics: User Experience and Accessibility

Are Videos in Spanish the Way To Go?

The answer may surprise you. It takes time, resources and actual money. Why prepare a video for something that can be written about and released in a shorter time span at a much lower cost? This question is now the new normal. But are we asking the right question?

October 27, 2015 Read More

Topics: Multilingual

Introducing the USAGov Blog

Welcome to the new USAGov blog. Here you’ll find insights about the digital front door to the government and learn more about our efforts to improve the public’s experience with government.

October 20, 2015 Read More

Real Internationalization Isn't Just Geographic: It's Linguistic

Twenty years ago, the chances of watching an NBA game with commentary in a language other than English were small. Today, the NBA transmits games in 47 languages to 215 countries across the world. This is a perfect example of how organizations have evolved over time to meet the demands of their audiences.

October 02, 2015 Read More

Topics: Multilingual

Journey Mapping Our Customer Experience

Journey maps are a visual representation of a customer’s end to end journey with your product or service. They are a powerful tool for exploring key interactions and experiences with your organization, programs, and/or services.

October 02, 2015 Read More

Topics: User Experience and Accessibility

How Kids.gov "Pins" Down Their Audiences

While Facebook and Twitter are the most popular social media platforms (according to some rankings), your agency can and should evaluate the benefits of platforms like Pinterest, which have seen major growth in users and activity.

October 02, 2015 Read More

Topics: Marketing

Using Personas to Better Understand Our Customers' Primary Tasks

Personas are fictional characters that describe an organization’s customer behaviors, emotions, attributes, motivations, and goals. They are an important tool to share customer insights and understanding across an organization. Personas also serve as a check to make sure your organization’s actions meet the needs of the majority of customers, including visitors to your website, contact center, in-person visits, and interactive voice response (IVR) self service customers.

October 02, 2015 Read More

Topics: User Experience and Accessibility

USA.Gov Launches vote.USA.gov to Help Citizens Register to Vote

One of the most important rights of American citizens is the right to vote. It is the foundation of our democracy, and in many ways, the basis of our government. This is why the team at USA.gov is excited to announce the launch of vote.USA.gov.

October 02, 2015 Read More

Topics: Design and Development

About this Blog

USAGov, Search.gov and Vote.gov work to make it easier for people to find information from their government about the services they need. Follow our journey and help us learn as we go. 

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