Our Blog

Using 2017 Email Success to Springboard into 2018

Email is an easy, time-saving way for us to connect the public with government information and services. We strive to provide clear information about relevant topics to our more than 850,000 subscribers, in hopes that our emails will stand out in inboxes overflowing with news alerts and sales offers.

March 14, 2018 Read More

Topics: Marketing

5 Steps for Creating Keyword Labels for Better Search

A core component of the USAGov content team’s job is to make sure the public can find what it’s looking for on our site. One of the main ways we do that is by researching to zero in on the keywords people are using when they search for a topic. Then we incorporate those keywords into our page titles and content summaries.

March 07, 2018 Read More

Topics: Content

A Summary of FY18 Q1 Performance Metrics

Every quarter, the Analytics team provides a summary of various performance metrics on our different channels. Here are overall trends from the first quarter (Q1) of FY18.

March 01, 2018 Read More

Topics: Performance and Analytics

Facebook Live: How We Do It and What We Learned in Year One

Almost a year ago, we started broadcasting live on Facebook. In that time, we learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t. As a result, we hosted Facebook Live events that were better scripted, tackled more complex topics, and most importantly, were more engaging to our audience.

February 21, 2018 Read More

Topics: Marketing

How USAGov Helped Shape the Digital Response in Puerto Rico

This event was originally posted on DigitalGov University on January 9, 2018.

February 14, 2018 Read More

Topics: Marketing

When Collaborating With Influencers Becomes a Life-Saving Tactic

When Hurricane Maria slammed into Puerto Rico, it caused a total collapse of the traditional communication infrastructure. People on the island turned to radio and social media as a lifeline. Family members on the mainland searched for information they could easily share via text.

February 07, 2018 Read More

Topics: Marketing

Using Journey Mapping to Streamline Processes Across Agencies

Some people experience challenges navigating government services -- especially if they need to work with more than one agency. Based on this premise, we set out to find out how agencies could share information with one another to improve the customer experience.

January 30, 2018 Read More

Introducing the Marketing Lab

In government, the word “marketing” often carries a negative connotation. But whether you call it outreach or communications or marketing, government often has a need to get key information to the public.

January 24, 2018 Read More

Topics: Marketing

Five Communication Tactics We Used During the 2017 Hurricane Season

In 2017, it was nearly impossible to turn on the news or go on social media without hearing stories about hurricanes across Texas, Florida, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico.

January 10, 2018 Read More

Topics: Marketing

5 Most Popular Search Topics on USA.gov in 2017

View the accessible version of the 2017 Top 5 Most Popular Search Topics in USA.gov infographic.

January 05, 2018 Read More

Topics: Performance and Analytics

About this Blog

USAGov, Search.gov and Vote.gov work to make it easier for people to find information from their government about the services they need. Follow our journey and help us learn as we go. 

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