September 06, 2022
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Topic: Content (4)
Topics: Content, User Experience and Accessibility, Performance and Analytics, Multilingual
Topics: Content, User Experience and Accessibility, Performance and Analytics, Multilingual
Back in March, we shared about the work we were doing to develop BEARS, the Benefits Eligibility Awareness Resource Service. USAGov’s new online locator tool helps people find government benefits and services geared to major life events. It officially launched in early August, and we wanted to give you an update.
Topics: Content, User Experience and Accessibility, Design and Development, Multilingual
Topics: Content, User Experience and Accessibility, Performance and Analytics, Multilingual
Topics: Content, User Experience and Accessibility, Performance and Analytics, Multilingual
For more than a dozen years, government employees have used the URL shortening service to turn long government and military URLs into more manageable short URLs.
Topics: Content, Design and Development, Multilingual
Our mission at USAGov and USAGov en Español is to make it easy for anyone to find and understand the government information they need. In 2021, we connected with the public 117 million times through our websites, social media, email, and phone and chat contact center support.
Topics: Content, Design and Development, Performance and Analytics, Multilingual
USAGov is the official guide to government services and information for the public. Its outreach team connects people to that information through and USAGov en Español social media, email, and other delivery channels. 2021 was a busy year for the outreach team. Here are a few highlights:
Topics: Marketing, Content, Performance and Analytics, Multilingual
Topics: Content, User Experience and Accessibility, Performance and Analytics, Multilingual
Topics: Content, User Experience and Accessibility, Performance and Analytics, Multilingual
USAGov, and work to make it easier for people to find information from their government about the services they need. Follow our journey and help us learn as we go.
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