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Topic: Multilingual (8)

Change Comes to USAGov's Historic Publication Program

We recently marked the end of an era at USAGov as we transferred management of our  publication distribution program to the Government Publishing Office (GPO) facility in Pueblo, Colorado. The decision was difficult, but necessary to focus more resources online.

October 18, 2016 Read More

Topics: Marketing, Content, Multilingual

The USAGov Bilingual Style Guide Is Now Online!

About a year and a half ago, the Federal Citizen Information Center - today called USAGov, embarked on a very ambitious task: integrating our content operations.  We blurred lines that defined silos and adopted a bilingual content approach to offer a more consistent experience, regardless of language preference or point of access to our information. See more about our rebirth.

April 11, 2016 Read More

Topics: Design and Development, Multilingual

#SomosSocial: Bilingual Twitter Chats - How to Do Them Effectively

There are 11.7 million + reasons to be on Twitter - the approximate number of Hispanics in the U.S. who are using the platform. And out of those 11.7 million, 43% tweet in English and in Spanish. Hispanics over index their counterparts when it comes to digital technologies and services, but how do you reach them and target your messages via Twitter chats?

December 29, 2015 Read More

Topics: Multilingual

Transforming How the Government Interacts with the Public

The government, and its services, are complicated to navigate. USAGov is working to change that. Over the years, we’ve evolved from providing information in print and launching a web portal to answering people's questions on social media and embracing content marketing. We serve as a guide to government information and services, and we are doing it in both English and Spanish.

November 17, 2015 Read More

Topics: Multilingual

Are Videos in Spanish the Way To Go?

The answer may surprise you. It takes time, resources and actual money. Why prepare a video for something that can be written about and released in a shorter time span at a much lower cost? This question is now the new normal. But are we asking the right question?

October 27, 2015 Read More

Topics: Multilingual

Real Internationalization Isn't Just Geographic: It's Linguistic

Twenty years ago, the chances of watching an NBA game with commentary in a language other than English were small. Today, the NBA transmits games in 47 languages to 215 countries across the world. This is a perfect example of how organizations have evolved over time to meet the demands of their audiences.

October 02, 2015 Read More

Topics: Multilingual

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USAGov, Search.gov and Vote.gov work to make it easier for people to find information from their government about the services they need. Follow our journey and help us learn as we go. 

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